Workshops & Trainings

Here you can find more information about our newest workshops and trainings. You can also register for them here.

“Data Quality Workshop with application examples and what we can learn from error analysis”
12th and 19th of March 2025
at 14:00 CET


This workshop is aimed at all individual and groups that have a deep interest in data quality
questions in single crystal diffraction experiments. These may be diffractometer sellers, application scientists, software developers, beam line scientists, neutron diffraction scientists, and academics applying crystallographic techniques, crystallographic databank providers, developers of hardware like detectors and editors of crystallographic journals.

The workshop serves to deepen the understanding of the appearance and measurement of
systematic errors in single crystal diffraction experiments. Strategies to discover systematic errors and to identify and remove these are discussed. The important topic of how standard data quality procedures are themselves biased and the consequences are also discussed.
Well established and also more recent metrics are discussed in greater detail and applied to real world data.

Some characteristic differences in the appearance of systematic errors for different diffractometer brands will be discussed at the end if enough time is available.

Price: 749€

Program Day 1 (12th of March 2024)

Basic concepts and principles of data quality evaluation. Mathematical background. New metrics and their applications; The need to evaluate evaluation processes as well, rewarding errors with practical examples, established misconceptions, metrics as an environment for survival of the fittest data sets, adaptions and evolution processes in data quality evaluation. Challenges for overall progress in the field. Influence of metrics on decision making in crystallographic experiments.

Program Day 2 (19th of March 2024)

Some new and established metrics in greater detail: mean value of weighted residuals, agreement factor gap for small molecules, errors caused by SHELXL-like weighting scheme, software dependent errors.

The DataQ Intelligence / Datentuev project was funded as part of the EXIST program by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund from March 2021 until June 2022. It is the aim of the European Union that all people have professional prospects. The European Social Fund (ESF) improves employment opportunities, supports people with training and qualifications and helps to reduce disadvantages in the labor market. More about the ESF at: