Dear Colleague,
diffraction experiments can be challenging. There are just so many things that can go wrong. As a StartUp with a focus in data quality questions in diffraction experiments, we have a strong interest also in quantifying the costs for failures, errors and mistakes – to learn from it!
Would you please help us to quantify these costs? We will of course make the results available to you as well. In this way we can help each other.
In order to quantify these costs, we need your expertise as a crystallographer. The question is: how many measurements do you need to perform in order to arrive at the desired result?
If you, as an example, get from 110 structure solution experiments in 100 cases the structure solution, you needed on average 1.1 measurements for one successful measurement. We call this number the MTP, which abbreviates “measurements to perform”. If you get from 10 neutron diffraction experiments one publishable result, the MTP is 10 here. If you have 10 charge density data sets from 24 charge density measurements, the MTP is 2.4.
Would you please take 5 minutes to fill in the following form giving your guess for the MTP?
Please indicate also your field of expertise. You may fill in only the fields you feel confident about (where your expertise is) or also more. It is not about the exact number but about the order of magnitude.

The DataQ Intelligence / Datentuev project was funded as part of the EXIST program by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the European Social Fund from March 2021 until June 2022. It is the aim of the European Union that all people have professional prospects. The European Social Fund (ESF) improves employment opportunities, supports people with training and qualifications and helps to reduce disadvantages in the labor market. More about the ESF at: